Congratulations! Your Order Is Almost Complete. But before you get started…

Upgrade To Vidperk PRO And...
From Any Vidperk Campaign Without Extra
Work, Just Extra Features!
Unlock Viral Traffic, Create 4X More Campaigns, Triple Your Templates & Go FULL Commercial On Everything In 1 Affordable Package
Watch The Following Video To Find Out How...
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Please note that this offer is only open until the timer reaches zero. Then it is gone forever.
Are You Ready To Put Vidperk On Steroids And Get More Result, Faster & Easier Than Before?

What’s New In This Upgrade & Why The Heck
Should You CARE?!
You see, although you have an innovative & profitable software in your hands, and what we promised, will be delivered.
It doesn’t mean you cap out on these benefits.
There are ADDITIONAL ways to improve upon the software’s features AND get better results!

Vidperk PRO Contains Everything You Need To SCALE And Get NEXT Level Results In NO TIME.

And That’s Just A FEW Benefits Out Of The Many.

Fact is, with the PRO Upgrade, you will simply beat the competition like no other marketer and siphon INCREDIBLE amounts of extra traffic for your niche in NO time.
And yes, with the SAME simplicity as in Vidperk standard. NOTHING changes, NO extra work.
Just extra features...
Here Are The INSANE Advantages That Make The Magic Of The PRO Upgrade Happen:
Advantage #1
The Traffic Advantage
First and foremost, the biggest money maker and the most in demand feature we have in our arsenal, is the ability to make your videos viral in 1 click.
You see, right now, you’ll get traffic to your video and get the most out of your video by having people watch the entire video.
But you are limited to the traffic you are able to generate yourself. With this new Viral Perk feature, you can now get extra traffic, 5x, 10x and even 100x more traffic in just a click.
Here’s how it works:
VidPerk Normal Reward → watch the video, get a reward.
Viral Perk Reward → Watch the video, get a reward, → want a bigger reward/discount? Share your link on your social media accounts ---> Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram
This is our own proven method to get both video results and go viral.
When a user has watched your video and committed to the reward, they are more likely to share your video to get an even BIGGER reward.
This is clever and it’s POWERFUL!

Advantage #2
The Scaling Advantage
Right now you can create 50 active campaigns, once you reach 50 you cannot create any more.
When starting out, sure, you don’t need more.
But as you’ll use Vidperk and get the boost in your results across ALL niches and products you promote and sell in, 50 campaigns will NOT be enough.
That’s why, as part of the Pro upgrade, we’re giving you the ability to scale 4x your campaigns and create 200 active campaigns at once.
The more critical part is that if you skip this now and say, oh, I can upgrade to this when I’ll need it, the price of this upgrade will be over 3x more than now, so better secure a good pricing now and don’t worry about it again.

Advantage #3
The Template Advantage
Templates are key to the success of your videos, you can always create your own templates or design your own vidperk from the ground up, but 98% of our users never touched the creation feature, they just go straight to the templates, pop one up, and publish their video.
This makes Vidperk work in just seconds.
However, you are currently limited to only 20 templates, which is more than enough to get started.
But, if you want more niches, more options, less competition, more uniqueness, MORE flexibility and more successful campaigns, then you’ll want the extra 30 templates we’re giving which also add NEW niches such as:
So if you’re in any of these niches, currently, you’ll need to create your own Vidperk which can take some time.
However, with the pro, you get templates in these niches, and you can just pop one up in any of these niches, and get your video live and kicking.

Mix It Up With 200 Campaigns And Viral Traffic Features, And You Have One Hellova Package For A Small One Time Price.
And To Make This A TOTAL NO Brainer For You..
FULL Commercial License For All VidPerk + VidPerk PRO Features!

With Commercial License you can create campaigns for your clients inside Vidperk, help them boost their video traffic, engagement and sales and charge any fee you want. It will take you just few minutes to deliver and your clients will be see instant benefits.
Video Marketing Domination

This report is purely reflective of how videos have changed the marketing game hence the reference forth putting how impactful videos can be. The visual aspect of life has always attracted the human eye and mind, imagine how enticed a human is when he sees a video that consists of visualization and sound.
Zoom Master

More and more business owners and individuals want to know how Zoom can help them to improve and grow their businesses. In this guide you will learn exactly what Zoom is and what it has to offer, as well as how you can use it effectively in your business.
Modern Vlogging

The market for vlogging and video marketing is huge and that it is continuing to grow. There is a high demand for high quality advice and tips on how to become a successful vlogger, and with more and more people turning to vlogging this is always going to be in demand. This High-Quality Training Guide (10,000+ words) explains it all.
This Is A COMPLETE NO Brainer.
With the Vidperk PRO upgrade, you’ll put everything on Vidperk standard on steroids, but also, you’ll have a huge advantage over your competition, and, you’ll actually get better results from the START!
Are You Ready To 4x Your Traffic And Earnings Instantly? Then Upgrade To The PRO Today And I’ll See You On The Other Side.
This is on purpose so you can feel safe when using it knowing that if anything goes wrong - you’re covered.
And, I know I have a higher chance of getting you to invest in the pro upgrade.
So let’s get you those crazy results and SWARM you with targeted traffic, leads & of course sales in the easiest and fastest way possible.
4x Your Traffic & Earnings HERE:
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Please note that this offer is only open until the timer reaches zero. Then it is gone forever.