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This Lead GOLDMINE Software helps you pull a
massive amount of leads for any niche.
Click to un-mute!
Millions Of Leads At Your Fingertips: With 1 ClickEvery State, Every City In United StatesOn Screenshot Above, Phone Number, Fax Number & Website Is There but you have to scroll to right.What Information Is Included?Every State, Every City In United States
New Leads are Added as soon as we receive them & Outdated information is updated.
Powerful Lead Finder Tool
Set your parameters of what you want to find & System Will Find It For You By searching millions of leads available.
Export Leads With Just A Click
How Do I Monetize this?
Do I have to be in the US to use this data?United States is the BIGGEST consumer of B2B services. You don’t need to be in the US to market to US Businesses. US data is GOLDMINE.
Price That’s “No Brainer”
All Accounts Come With UNLIMITED Searches/Downloads & Access. There is NO LIMITATIONS.
Leads List
Goldmine Software
Goldmine Software Reseller
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
Where is the data coming from?
Data is coming from local clerk offices
around US via a Paid API that we have
already paid for.
Is this data legal?
You can get this data for free or a small
fee if you go to local clerk website.
Companies scrape this all the time.
How is leads collected?
When a new business is registered,
the default option is to keep this data
public. Our API pulls the data.
Is there any limitations?
Nope! but you are responsible for
your actions. We are just providing
public data in a nice way.
P.S: This site is not endorsed by Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn