Please ensure that your request MUST be sent from the email you used for the purchase, or, you must send us your purchase email address if you are mailing from a different email address.
BizzAsk AD SPOTS Request
Hi Support,Attached is my receipt for the purchase(s) I made.Please find the following info as requested:
*Please note the size of your Banner
Image Url: Redirect Link: Product Name:
*Please note the size of your Banner:
After the header: 468x60After the left menu: 200x200And the rest ad sizes: 963×522
– REMEMBER To Attach The Receipt(s) in this email
– If you made multiple purchases, then mention Product name associated with Each banner(For eg: Product Name: Day 5-AdSpots-LeftMenu-3M)
– Refer to the Sales Page For Banner Sizes
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