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Very Special Limited Offer
The First-Ever ‘Video Messenger Marketing’ App
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There’s not much time before the deal ends!Click on one of the buttons above and claim 10X Social today!
Choose From The Options Below
10X Social Personal + Pro Access
10X Social Personal + Pro + Reseller Access
New Technology: Build Video Chat-Bots Inside Facebook & Collect Emails & Phone Numbers Without Any Technical Knowledge
We Have Created Something Mind-Blowing To Help You…
You Can Now Sell Video Messenger Campaigns In Just 3 Easy Steps…
Upload Video
Upload Or Reuse One Of Millions of Videos On Facebook
Simply point-n-click to customize. Add Call-to-action using the built-in drag-n-drop editor
1-Click Send
Send it via Facebook Messenger and get paid
Check Out Everything 10xSocial Can Do:
#1 – Send Broadcasts Messages
Stay Informed
Send video messages with call to action buttons to all your contacts.
Voice Message
Record your voice and send or schedule to your contacts.
Audio Message
Send your podcasts, music and any audio recording to everyone that engages with you via live chat.
#2 – Text To Speech
Convert any text into audio in any language… and schedule it as a response in a chat. We have built-in more than 50 voices both male and female to choose from…and support well over 60 languages.
#3 – Facebook Auto Responder
Now respond to users comments on your fan page with highly interactive content that will enable you to build a list very fast. This A.I powered Facebook Auto Messenger Responder turns your postsinto a hot traffic driving and selling point. Easily Set-Up your own marketing funnel design… Set up a Messenger drip campaign to welcome and nurture new visitors & leads.
There’s not much time before the deal ends!Click on one of the buttons below and claim 10X Social today!
10X Social Personal + Pro Access
10X Social Personal + Pro + Reseller Access