NetProfitMastery Personalized Landing Page

1 Personalized Page Setup/Delivery Instructions

We need to Create Your Page manually,
and we would need you to send the following information

Please open a new ticket in this format:


"Personalized Landing Page"


Hi Support,
Here is the information for My Personalized Landing Page

- This is the name of my site inside netprofitmastery: "Add Link Of Your Site"
- This is the name That i want to appear on my page: "Add Your Name"
- This is the email that i want to appear in the landing page: "add Your Email"

- these are my social media profiles: "add your facebook, twitter and youtube profiles"

- this is the banner of one of my products that i want to appear in the footer of my landing page: "add your banner url"
- this is the redirect link for my product: "add redirect url of your product" 

- this is my website "add the link to your website or any page you want"

thanks For your Help,

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