Buy A Domain
Step 1:
Purchase a domain of your choice or use the one you already have.
Go to Namecheap by clicking here
and login or register free if you are a first time user.
Type the domain name you may want in the search box.

Scroll Down to the bottom of the page and click on
Explore 400+ Additional Extensions

Look in the filter section and click on
$2 or less

Pl note that you must send us a domain which has no data
on it as we will install your new site on it and all your data, emails
etc will be lost if you are currently using the domain.
Step 2:
Please point your domain to our server, the nameservers are:
Nameserver1: ns1.viralblogsystemserver1.info
Nameserver2: ns2.viralblogsystemserver1.info
This video will teach you how to do that on GODADDY
This video will teach you how to do so on Namecheap
If it's another company you bought the domain from, please lookup youtube for instructions
on 'how to point nameservers' for that company
Once Done, after 15 minutes, please go to https://whois.net
and paste your domain name there to check if the domain is successfully pointed to our server.
If you don't know how to point your domain to our server, please email us your namecheap account login link, username and password on [email protected]
Step 3:
Send us the correct spelling of your domain name
on [email protected]