STEP 1:Watch This Video
STEP 2:Please email us in this format to [email protected]
Please ensure that your request MUST be sent from the email you used for the purchase,or, you must send us your purchase email address if you are mailing from a different email address.
IF You Want Us To Add A FREE PRODUCT,Send This Email
Traffic Bundle-Prize Wall Free Product
Hi Support,
Please Add My FREE PRODUCT To “Name of the Site where you want it“
My Purchase Email Address is:
—————————Here’s My Info:
My Name as I want it to appear on Prize Wall:
Product Name: Product Description (One sentence only):Product Image URL :(Size should be 200×200 pixels or any square image)
Profile Picture URL :(with white background front face with good resolution or any square image)
Redirect Link To Be Added To The Image:(This link will be your Thank You Page link or Product Download Link)
IF You Want Us To Add A SALES PRODUCT,Send This Email
Traffic Bundle-Prize Wall Sales Product
Hi Support,Please Add My SALES PRODUCT To “Name of the Site where you want it“
My Purchase Email Address is: —————————Here’s My Info: Product Name: Product Description (One sentence only):Banner URL:(Banner size should be 728×90 pixels)Redirect Link To Be Added To The Image:(This link will be your sales page link)
The support team will verify your purchase,and add your product to the prize wall in about 3-5 business days.
Our office will be closed on Monday March, 21. We’ll be back on Tuesday March, 22.
Unannounced Bonuses